Kassia Kristoff

Kassia Kristoff

Cosmic Liberation Coach

Cosmic Liberation Coaching

If you are ready to experience more freedom in all areas of life, to be tapped into your intuition and aligned with your highest path and timeline, then Cosmic Liberation Coaching is for you! In these targeted weekly or biweekly sessions, we use a wide variety of tools including astrology, tarot, meditation and energy healing to find out exactly what is holding you back from owning your creative power, and to help you move beyond it into the life that is waiting for you. The planet is shifting, and we are shifting along with her! This can be a beautiful process, but it can also be overwhelming and frustrating without guidance and support. It would be my honor and privilege to provide this for you.

Service Duration

60 minutes, weekly or biweekly

Service Includes

Each session will build upon the last and be tailored to the individual. Elements may include meditation and sound baths, Reiki or Belvaspata Angel Healing, tarot, astrology, belief work and more.

Service Does Not Include

AURA Hypnosis Healing. This is a very intensive hypnosis and past life regression session which may be recommended but will need to be booked separately.

Service Highlights

Coaching, sound healing, energy healing, astrology, tarot, meditation

Minimum Age Requirement: 18

Starting Price

$599.99 per month for weekly sessions, $333.33 per month for biweekly sessions.

A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing (Angelic Universal Regression Alchemy)

Hypnosis, past life regression, quantum healing

Is this service virtual, in-person, or both?

Virtual Only

Description of Service

AURA Hypnosis Healing is a past life regression and entity removal technique that has the potential to bring about profound healing on all aspects of Being. It has assisted people in healing an unlimited number of physical ailments ranging from fatigue to cancer, as well as mental and emotional health issues, and even addictions. During an AURA session, we will begin to connect you to your Higher Self with a sound bath and energy healing session using sacred alchemy. We will then proceed with the hypnosis, and your Higher Self will guide us to a concurrent, past or future lifetime where we will find information and healing that you desire at this time. We will then perform a body scan with the assistance of the Higher Self and any other Divine Benevolent Beings that the Higher Self deems fit. During the body scan, any entities or negative technologies within the energy field and body will be identified and removed. The session finishes with an opportunity to ask up to 13 questions of the Higher Self. A recording of the session will be provided.

Duration of Service

3-6 Hours (typically in the 4 to 5 hour range)

Service Includes

Intake interview, sacred alchemy sound bath and energy healing/chakra clearing, past/future/concurrent life regression, entity removal, questions and answers from Higher Self.

Service Highlights

Provides an opportunity for deep and profound self-healing on all levels of Being through the art of quantum healing, sacred alchemy and past life regression via hypnosis.

Minimum Age Requirement


Starting Price


R.A.A.H. Reiki (Reiki Angelic Alchemical Healing)

RAAH Reiki is an energy healing and entity removal technique that heals on a quantum level. Nearly all people present on this Earth have attachments of some kind, and we carry them with us for lifetimes and through bloodlines. Many people experience these entities and other negative technologies subtly, as underlying insecurities, looping negative thought patterns, and minor health irritations. Others may experience more severe mental or physical health issues. This is a powerful healing modality that is capable of removing all types of negative attachments and technologies. It helps reconnect you to your Higher Self and helps to align you with your most organic timeline. This is an aspect of AURA Hypnosis Healing, but without the hypnosis.

Duration of Service

90-120 minutes

Service Includes

Sound bath and sacred alchemy healing, entity removal

Service Does Not Include


Service Highlights

Sound bath, sacred alchemy energy healing, entity removal

Minimum Age Requirement


Starting Price


Belvaspata Angelic Healing of the Heart

Belvaspata, which translates to "Angelic Healing of the Heart" is also sometimes referred to as the healing modality of miracles. It gently peels away the layers of illusion to bring about reconnection to the Divinity within. We use powerful sigils to connect with a beautiful group of Benevolent Angelic Beings to assist you in healing on a quantum level. Belvaspata works with different rays of light and emotion to deliver truly divine healing to the recipient, and the healing often continues long after the session is complete. Downloaded in 2008 as a response to the changing frequencies on the planet, Belvaspata can assist us in integrating these Ascension codes and in the process of the evolving of our DNA and Soul's Blueprint. There is truly nothing that this modality cannot assist with! It is very powerful in activating latent psychic gifts, healing grief and trauma, and addressing physical ailments. Though it means "healing of the heart," it works on all chakras and all levels of Being. Belvaspata is powerful as a stand-alone session, and even more powerful when received consistently (like most everything in life!) It is one of the tools that is used in my coaching sessions and is also a modality that I am privileged to teach. That process varies by individual, and if this interests you, please reach out to learn more!

Duration of Service

60 minutes

Service Includes

Belvaspata Angel Healing (similar to a Reiki experience)

Service Highlights

Profound and Gentle Angelic Quantum Healing Modality

Minimum Age Requirement


Starting Price



Reiki is an energy healing modality that provides the entirety of the Being with pure, universal source lovelight energy to be utilized as the higher self wishes for healing of mind, body and spirit. It is a Japanese healing modality, though its founder, Mikao Usui, was not creating something new, but rather remembering and resurrecting something old and forgotten. Many believe that this healing modality is as ancient as, well, the energy that it allows us to channel! Reiki can provide deep relaxation, as well as physical and emotional breakthroughs and healing. It is a beautiful stand-alone session, though like most things is most effective when received consistently. Reiki is one of the modalities utilized in my coaching sessions and is also a modality that I am privileged to teach. Please inquire to learn more if you would like to become certified in Reiki.

Duration of Service

Energy healing and relaxation technique

Service Includes


Service Highlights

Reiki, relaxation, healing

Minimum Age Requirement


Starting Price


Astrology (Natal or Transit Chart) and Tarot Readings


The position of the planets at the moment you were born reveals a powerful blueprint for understanding your soul and what it came here to learn and experience in this lifetime! In these sessions I offer a reading and intuitive discussion of your natal (birth) or transit chart. Natal chart readings can be tailored to specific areas that you have questions about if desired (aka, career and finances, love, life purpose and evolutionary aims). I specialize in intuitive, Ascension based evolutionary astrology. We will not be able to discuss the entirety of your natal chart in one session, but we can discuss either the areas of greatest interest, or what jumped out at me as I was viewing it. Transit charts can help you understand where the planets are now and how they are interacting with your natal chart to bring about new experiences and opportunities for growth and evolution. I can also do a transit chart for you for a specific event, such as a full moon or eclipse, or even the day you plan to launch a business or host an important event!


The tarot is a divination tool that allows us to read into the current, past and sometimes future energies and experiences that you are having to gain better clarity and insight from your Higher Self and Benevolent Spirit Team/Guides. As our future is always changing due to our free will choices, it is best to take that aspect with a grain of salt. In these cases, looking into the most likely path forward allows us to make necessary changes if we wish to create a different outcome, or provides confirmation and encouragement to stay the course! We can do readings on just about anything: love, career, life path and purpose, general guidance from your Higher Self and Spiritual Team. I combine tarot and astrology in a reading I call "Astro Tarot", where we read on different transits going on in your chart currently. Ask about this if it resonates!Astrology and tarot are tools that I use in my coaching sessions, and either can be combined with a Belvaspata Angel Healing or Reiki Healing if desired.

Duration of Service

60 minutes, 90 minutes with Belvaspata or Reiki added

Service Includes

Astrology, Tarot or Astro Tarot reading, with energy healing if added

Service Highlights

Astrology (Natal or Transit Chart) Reading, Tarot Reading or Astro Tarot Reading, alone or with an energy healing session

Minimum Age Requirement


Starting Price


I am a Cosmic Liberation Coach who helps lightworkers and starseeds master their vibration and mindset so that they can unleash their creative powers and become the architects of their reality. I have been in a powerful process of healing and transformation since 2011, and have been assisting others in this same process since 2016. I call upon a wide array of modalities to help my clients ignite their cosmic consciousness, reconnecting them to the guiding force and infinite power that resides within.


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