
Partner: Business to Business - Healer to OurWell

Get discovered and connect with wellness seekers who need your offering
Connect with likeminded individuals within the wellness industry
Become more accessible

Transform your client's wellness journeys and make a meaningful impact in your city.


Join the OurWell community

Contribute to a community knowledge base and keep track of your wellness goals
Earn rewards and enjoy access to vetted wellness services

Unlock holistic wellness experiences wherever you are and connect with like-minded people.

about ourwell

Frequently asked questions

How do I join the directory?

Joining our directory is simple and free! Fill out the partnership registration form on our website, provide details about your offerings, and submit your application. Once approved, your services will be listed in our directory, connecting you with a supportive network of wellness seekers and providers.

What is the cost to join?

Joining our directory is completely free. Our current focus is on building connections and fostering community to change the culture of how we live and provide people with access to healing methods, enabling everyone to take better care of themselves. In this way, we are supporting the web-of-life with a larger paradigm shift for a community of healers and their seekers. We believe in the unity of all and are dedicated to helping others live a life well lived.In the near future, we will introduce optional services such as booking functionality and marketing opportunities like featured listings, blog/newsletter features, and spotlight advertisements. While these optional services will come with a fee, you can choose the level that complements your existing business efforts.

Can I list my services on other websites, or do I have to be exclusive to your platform?

You are free to list your services on other websites and are under no obligation—financial or otherwise—to be exclusive to our platform. We are here to complement your existing methods, not replace them. You will always retain your independence.