Ashley White

Ashley White

Founder at Aili Healing Center

Life Activation

This is the 22-strand DNA Activation also enables you to bring in and hold more Light (positive energy) in your physical body, empowers you to maximize your potential to bring forth unrealized talents and abilities, and gives you more energy and clarity. It begins a process of releasing unconscious patterns (old emotional traps we fall into), while increasing your ability to use more of your brain and clears family and genetic karmic patterns.

In addition to the Life Activation itself, this session also includes several energy alignments to help you achieve a sense of peace and connection between your mind, body and spirit:

  • Crown Cap Removal
  • Central Core Balancing
  • 16 Lotus Petal Awakening
  • Elemental and Magnetic Line Balancing
  • Chakra Balancing
  • Negative Crystal Removal
  • Brief Reading

Some benefits from the Life Activation:

The Life Activation, formerly known as the 22-Strand DNA activation heightens your connection to your higher self, and empowers you to step into your authentic being. 
  • Clears family and genetic karmic patterns
  • Strengthened immune system and response
  • Relief from anxiety and depression
  • Assistance in increasing personal abundance
  • Greater physical energy and mental acuity
  • Assistance in breaking of old unhealthy habits
  • Greater connection to your Higher Self
  • Allows you to see and understand yourself more clearly
  • Assistance in creating positive relationships
  • Increased emotional stability

What to Expect:

The hour and half private session includes balancing many layers of your energy field, activating the DNA, and an intuitive reading. Immediately after the session, clients often feel altered, and a heightened sense of awareness to their selves and surroundings. They feel a deep inner calm, and joyous presence. The activation continues to work weeks after the session, helping break away what no longer serves, and bringing in exactly what the client needs to accelerate their life.

This activation is available to all those ready to step into the next level of leadership in their life. The benefits from this powerful and truly transformative healing modality are countless.

Individual Session | $250 | 1hr 30 mins

Full Spirit Activation

Prerequisite: Life Activation

We are body. We are soul. We are spirit.

The majority of human beings living on the planet today live as though they are simply, body. The physical density. The matter that walks, talks and breathes. Yet, if you have reached this point in your journey, you likely believe that there's more. So, how do you get there? How do you truly connect all of these things? The Full Spirit Activation is an ancient, lineage based technique and a core step in bringing this all together and balancing these forces.

While the Life Activation amplifies your personal connection to your Higher Self, the Full Spirit Activation, takes that one step further to increase your connection to your soul. By activating these higher aspects of your energy bodies, you are switching-on the superhero system that exists within everyone. This is the potential to perform miracles and the opportunity to optimize your own divinity.

Some benefits from the Full Spirit Activation:

This session involves awakening the Thalamus region, or “the old brain,” the Pituitary and Pinealglands, which increases the soul’s awareness to the physical experience.
  • Overcome apathy and doubt
  • Strengthen your body-mind-soul interface
  • See more possibilities of what you can be and can do
  • Release unresolved emotional attachments effortlessly and instantly
  • Have a more integrated thought process and awareness of yourself
  • Flow more smoothly through the rapid changes of today with greater ease, balance, and awareness of the options before you.
  • Quiet mental chatter
  • Awaken your physical senses to experience more of the world
  • Access higher levels of consciousness
  • More easily relax and meditate

What to Expect:

After 3-4 weeks of doing the Life Activation, I recommend clients continue expanding their conciousness by doing the Full Spirit Activation. This is a Holy Tibetan activation the Dalai Llama offers his initiates, and handed down to the Modern Mystery School. This hour and half session awakens your soul to this physical experience, and balances many layers of your energy field, including your chakras, and activating the tree of life within your auric field.  

The benefits of this session are many. When you are truly able to feel your connection to all parts of your being, there is an inner peace and balance that comes. There is a calm. There is a knowing of the existence of something larger - and this allows for so much authenticity, love and joy to flow. It is the next step in finding the greater balance that you seek by coming to a deeper knowledge of who you are at your core.

Individual Session | $250 | 1hr 30 mins

Aili Healing Center uses time-tested, highly effective, energy healing modalities to support you.We aim to empower you, and assist you in living a fulfilling, purposeful, healthy, balanced life. Our highly trained team of professionally certified energy healers and practitioners have trained extensively in the prestigious metaphysical and spiritual lineage of King Salomon.  Backed by 3000+ years of healing tradition, our lineage yields the finest energy healing and empowerment modalities available in the world today.

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